PMS Treatment Clinic using bioidentical hormones to treat PMS and Menopause
Treatment of Premenstrual Syndrome
Premenstrual Syndrome is a condition of estrogen dominance-progesterone deficiency. It occurs in the two weeks before the period and goes away when the period is over. 150 emotional and physical symptoms can occur. Symptoms may include headaches, migraines, menstrual cramps, depression, irritability, fatigue, emotional outbursts, low blood sugar, rage, out of control behavior, dizziness, decreased resistance to infection and epileptic seizures. An underactive thyroid is commonly an underlying disorder that is present.
Patients can become symptom-free on natural progesterone therapy. If the patient is hypothyroid, treatment involves thyroid supplements.
Treatment of Menopause
Menopause literally means 'the last menstruation'. The average age of menopause is 52 years old, but menopause may occur as early as 40 years old. Symptoms include hot flashes, memory loss, insomnia, vaginal dryness, depression, crying for no reason, irritability and fatigue. Bone loss and heart disease become real problems. The thyroid may also start failing.
Patients can feel normal on bioidentical hormones (natural estrogen and natural progesterone therapy). Bioidentical hormone replacement prevents bone loss and heart disease.
Treatment of Postpartum Depression
Mild, moderate or severe depression accompanied by severe fatigue after the birth of a baby. Postpartum psychosis may result in a small percentage of women. Postpartum depression occurs in women with an altered progesterone level (PMS). During pregnancy a woman has 60 times the normal amount of progesterone in her body. During this time she usually feels great. After the birth, the progesterone falls to zero. This huge drop in progesterone accounts for postpartum depession.
Patients can feel normal with natural progesterone therapy. If used immediately after the birth of a baby, postpartum depression can be prevented.
Treatment of Posthysterectomy
After a hysterectomy, patients may experience weight gain, fatigue, depression, crying for no reason, migraines, hot flashes and irritability. Additionally, removal of the ovaries involves loss of sex drive, lowered resistance to infection and extreme fatigue.
Patients can feel normal on bioidentical hormones ( natural estrogen-progesterone-testosterone-DHEA therapy).
Treatment of Posttubal Ligation Syndrome
After a tubal ligation patients experience premenstrual symptoms due to the blood supply being altered to the ovaries.
Patients can feel normal on natural progesterone therapy
Treatment of Perimenopause
Perimenopause is defined as the years leading up to menopause usually beginning in the early 40's. The progesterone level has declined but the estrogen level has not and is still functioning. This causes a condition of estrogen dominance. Patients may experience heavy bleeding, fibroid tumors and cysts on the ovaries.
Patients can feel normal on natural progesterone in the two weeks before the period. Progesterone therapy will oppose estrogen and suppress heavy bleeding .
Treatment of Wilson's Syndrome
Wilson's Syndrome is the inability to convert T4 to T3. Patients who have been treated with T4 only (synthroid, levothyroxine) still may experience symptoms of hypothyroidism. Patients are treated with a timed release T3.
Patients can feel normal on timed release T3 and no longer experience the symptoms of hypothyroidism and low body temperature.
Bone Density Measurement
Bone density testing measures the degree of bone loss ex- perienced by perimenopausal, menopausal and postmenopausal women.
Treatment with bioidentical hormones and calcium supplements will arrest bone loss before it becomes too severe.
Male menopause involves the loss of testosterone (hormone responsible for the sex drive)and DHEA (hormone responsible for making muscle rather than fat). Thyroid function may also be declining.
Treatment with bioidentical hormones will restore testosterone and DHEA losses.
Treatment for obesity
Obesity is defined as being overweight. Patients lose 3/4 of a pound to a pound per day.
Treatment with HCG (human chorionic gonadatrophin) causes the patient to lose weight at the rate of 3/4 of a pound to a pound per day.
