PMS Treatment Clinic using bioidentical hormones to treat PMS and Menopause
The PMS Treatment Clinic-the nation's leading PMS clinic offers cutting edge bioidentical hormonal treatment to women suffering with premenstrual syndrome, postpartum depression, posthysterectomy syndrome, posttubal ligation syndrome, Wilson's Syndrome and the symptoms of menopause. We emphasize the importance of treating women with bioidentical (natural) hormones rather than synthetic hormones.
Synthetic hormones (premarin and provera) have recently been linked with a 20%-40% increased risk for breast cancer, heart attack and stroke.
Bioidentical hormones are made up by a compounding pharmacy and are covered by major insurance. Bioidentical hormones, when balanced by an experienced medical professional, do not cause side effects. (We have 33 years experience balancing women's hormones). They are estradiol, estriol and progesterone-the very same hormones (bio-identical) produced by the female body. Bioidentical hormones are the effective choice for women in the 21st century.
Humberto Boccardo M.D.
