PMS Treatment Clinic using bioidentical hormones to treat PMS and Menopause
Why don't doctors treat Premenstrual Syndrome?
Premenstrual Syndrome is still not being taught in medical school. Most practicing physicians don't know about PMS and its treatment with bioidentical progesterone therapy. They tend to treat each symptom separately and may tend to experiment with different drugs.
My doctor wants to treat my Premenstrual Syndrome with the birth control pill. What will happen?
The birth control pill will make PMS worse because it contains synthetic estrogen and progestin. Both of these synthetic hormones will lower your already low progesterone level. And progestin has been linked to a 20-40% increased risk for breast cancer. Thyroid function will also be suppressed.
I had a hysterectomy and my doctor says that I don't need progesterone because I don't have a uterus. But I am having problems with the estrogen treatment.
You need to be treated with bioidentical estrogen and progesterone. If you choose to only restore your estrogen, you will experience estrogen dominance which will cause you to experience PMS-like symptoms (depression, weight gain, migraines, fatigue, irritability, crying and low blood sugar). Estrogen dominance may also be a cause of breast cancer.
Why doesn't my doctor know about postpartum depression?
Just as with premenstrual syndrome, postpartum depression is not really understood. Postpartum depression is a condition of progesterone deficiency after the birth of a baby. This condition is not a psychiatric condition although the severity may be such that it appears to be psychiatric. Treatment involves bioidentical progesterone.
Why am I experiencing Premenstrual Syndrome after my tubal ligation?
The procedure either cuts off blood supply to the ovaries lowering progesterone levels or damages the progesterone receptors. You can be treated with bioidentical progesterone.
Why am I depressed and miserable after my hysterectomy? I was told this would solve my problems.
The hysterectomy lowered your progesterone level. Low progesterone causes depression in women. The hysterectomy may also have affected your thyroid function. Hypothyroidism may now be present.
My doctor has put me on premarin and provera even though they have been directly linked with breast cancer. Doesn't he know this?
Your doctor doesn't know about bioidentical hormones. He thinks that the breast cancer risk is worth the benefits of the synthetic hormone replacement. However, the provera negates the heart benefits of the estrogen. It lowers HDL and raises LDL. Provera is directly linked to breast cancer. And it suppresses thyroid function.
Why did Andrea Yates kill her five children?
Andrea was suffering with postpartum psychosis. She was out of touch with reality and should have been hospitalized. She may have heard voices telling her to kill the children. Her psychosis could have been prevented if she had been given injections of bioidentical progesterone immediately after giving birth. Unfortunately, the American medical and psychiatric communities do not view this disorder as being hormonal. They view it as a psychiatric disorder possibly requiring electroshock therapy and antidepressants.
Why can't I lose weight?
Weight loss treatment with HCG causes the patient to lose 3/4 of a pound to a pound per day.